acpid -
ACPI Event Daemon
audit -
User space tools for 2.6 kernel auditing
baruwascanner -
Email gateway for virus scanning, spam and phishing detection
chrony -
An NTP client/server
clamd -
The Clam AntiVirus Daemon
dnsmasq -
A lightweight DHCP/caching DNS server
exim -
The exim mail transfer agent
exim-service -
The exim mail transfer agent initscripts
f-prot -
Antivirus for Unix
fail2ban -
Ban IPs that make too many password failures
haproxy -
HA-Proxy reverse proxy for high availability environments
haveged -
A Linux entropy source using the HAVEGE algorithm
hyperv-daemons -
HyperV daemons suite
hypervfcopyd -
HyperV FCOPY daemon
hypervkvpd -
HyperV key value pair (KVP) daemon
hypervvssd -
HyperV VSS daemon
iputils -
Network monitoring tools including ping
mailscanner -
Email gateway for virus scanning, spam and phishing detection
memcached -
High Performance, Distributed Memory Object Cache
net-snmp -
A collection of SNMP protocol tools and libraries
nfs-utils -
NFS utilities and supporting clients and daemons for the kernel NFS server
nginx -
A high performance web server and reverse proxy server
nginx-filesystem -
The basic directory layout for the Nginx server
openldap -
LDAP support libraries
openssh-server -
An open source SSH server daemon
portreserve -
TCP port reservation utility
rbldnsd -
Small, fast daemon to serve DNSBLs
rpcbind -
Universal Addresses to RPC Program Number Mapper
rsyslog -
Enhanced system logging and kernel message trapping daemons
rsyslog-pgsql -
PostgresSQL support for rsyslog
salt -
A parallel remote execution system
salt-minion -
Client component for Salt, a parallel remote execution system
strongswan -
An OpenSource IPsec-based VPN Solution
unbound -
Validating, recursive, and caching DNS(SEC) resolver
uwsgi -
Fast, self-healing, application container server